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Great Kindle Price on Horton's Pilgrim Theology This Week at Christ Reformed Church (April 8-14) "Whoever Feeds on this Bread Will Live Forever" -- John 6:49-59 This Week's White Horse Inn Play Ball! This Week at Christ Reformed Church (April 1-7) Audio from Easter Week Services (Updated) This Week's White Horse Inn This Week at Christ Reformed Church (March 25-31) "I Am the Bread of Life" -- John 6:35-48 This Week's White Horse Inn Easter Week at Christ Reformed and You Are Invited! 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And Even if You Do Not . Man of Sin -- Sports Edition This Week at Christ Reformed Church (February 4-10) "Those Who Hear Will Live" -- John 5:19-29 This Week's White Horse Inn Speaking of the Civil War . Allen Guelzo on the Civil War A Bit of a Delay (Update) This Week at Christ Reformed Church (January 28-February 3) "My Father is Working" -- John 5:1-18 This Week's White Horse Inn From Biblical Metaphor to National Myth A New Book from Michael Horton -- A Pilgrim Theology This Week at Christ Reformed Church (January 21-27) "The Man Believed the Word" -- John 4:43-54 This Week's White Horse Inn Attention Academy Goers! This Week at Christ Reformed Church (January 14-20) "The Savior of the World" -- John 4:27-42 This Week's White Horse Inn This Week at Christ Reformed Church (January 7-13, 2013) "I Who Speak to You Am He" -- John 4:1-26 This Week's White Horse Inn This Week at Christ Reformed Church (December 31-January 6, 2013) "There Is No Name Under Heaven" -- Acts 4:1-22 This Week's White Horse Inn Merry Christmas from the Riddleblog This Week at Christ Reformed Church (December 24-31) "You Shall Concieve and Bear a Son" -- Judges 13:1-20 This Week's White Horse Inn White Horse Inn Special on "Les Miserables" Congrats Mark! This Week at Christ Reformed Church (December 17-23) "Your Throne Shall be Established Forever" -- 2 Samuel 7:1-17 This Week's White Horse Inn I'm On "Issues, Etc.," Today (Updated) This Week at Christ Reformed Church (December 10-16) "The Lion of the Tribe of Judah" -- Revelation 5:1-14 This Week's White Horse Inn I'm Pleased to Announce . This Week at Christ Reformed Church (April 9-15) This Week's White Horse Inn "Remove the Filthy Garments" -- Zechariah 3:1-10 He Is Risen! "Strike the Shepherd" -- Zechariah 13:7-9 Good Friday "To Cleanse Them from Sin and Uncleanness" -- Zechariah 13:1-6 Maundy Thursday Mike Horton on the Two Kingdoms Faces for Radio Easter Week at Christ Reformed Church "Your King Is Coming to You" -- Zechariah 9:9-13 Audio from Ken Samples' Academy Lecture (3/30/12) This Week's White Horse Inn Horton on Youth Ministry and the "Me" Generation This Week at Christ Reformed Church (March 26-April 1) "No Good Thing Does He Withhold" -- Psalm 84 Audio from Ken Samples' Academy Lecture (3/23/12) This Week's White Horse Inn VanDrunen on the Two Kingdoms We Are Taking Your Calls . Basics of the Reformed Faith -- Marks and Mission of Christ's Church Steve Bridges Memorial This Week at Christ Reformed Church (March 19-25) Back from Ligonier Andrew Compton's Sermon on Psalm 139 Audio from Ken Samples' Academy Lecture (3/16/12) This Week's White Horse Inn Ken Samples on "Issues, Etc.," Basics of the Reformed Faith -- Good Works and the Christian Life This Week at Christ Reformed Church (March 12-18) "Blessed Is the Man" -- Psalm 1 Audio from Ken Samples' Academy Lecture (3/9/12) This Week's White Horse Inn Harold Camping Repents . Well, Kind of . No, Not Really . I'm Removing Wagga Wagga from My Bucket List Basics of the Reformed Faith -- Sanctification This Week at Christ Reformed Church (March 5-11) "The Great Shepherd of the Sheep" -- Hebrews 13:17-25 Audio from Ken Samples' Academy Lecture (3/2/12) This Week's White Horse Inn Baseball Is Back! "Do All to the Glory of God" -- 1 Corinthians 10:14-33 Basics of the Reformed Faith -- Justification This Week at Christ Reformed Church (February 27-March 4) "The Church of the Living God" -- 1 Timothy 3:1-16 Audio from Ken Samples' Academy Lecture (2/24/12) This Week's White Horse Inn Basics of the Reformed Faith -- Election How Not to Interpret Biblical Prophecy! This Week at Christ Reformed Church (February 20-26) "The Same Yesterday and Today and Forever" -- Hebrews 13:1-16 Audio from Ken Samples' Academy Lecture (2/17/12) This Week's White Horse Inn Almost Makes Me Want to Be a Lutheran . Almost . "The Rock Was Christ" -- 1 Corinthians 10:1-13 Basics of the Reformed Faith -- The Order of Salvation Smells Like . Victory This Week at Christ Reformed Church (February 13-19) Audio from Ken Samples' Academy Lecture (2/10/12) "Jesus, the Mediator of a New Covenant" -- Hebrews 12:18-29 This Week's White Horse Inn Horton on Frame's New Book Basics of the Reformed Faith -- The Death of Christ and the Law and the Gospel This Week at Christ Reformed Church (February 6-12) Back from the White Horse Inn Cruise Off to the Caribbean! "For the Sake of the Gospel" -- 1 Corinthians 9:1-27 Basics of the Reformed Faith -- Jesus as Prophet, Priest,
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