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Kate Spade Sale, Suede, and make it work. Don't bore Nina. Holla at ya boy. Whatever. Just get to sewing.Non sequitur of the day: Did anyone else notice the tan Rebecca Minkoff Market Tote that went down the runway? It was lovely! And then I missed a few minutes,
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ut then there are those out there who splurge by purchasing a new yacht. I guess everything is relative. Don't get me wrong, I am very lucky; I get to buy things I like and continue to dream of the day I might be able to afford some of the things I would love to have. I would have to say, when I stumbled across the Leiber Mini Pillboxes and saw the price associated to them, I instantly put the pillboxes in the what I might buy if I had tons of money category. The pillboxes are without a doubt cute, but for something used to hold your daily vitamins and such, I would say they are way too pricey for me.
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