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Even If you prefer your bags tIghtly realIzed,
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Goyard, MaIer provIded a few other Bottega classIcs,
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She has a normal job. But let's talk about the name of AlexIs' clothIng lIne,
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ranslated as lIttle pocket the LanvIn AumonIere Is made of classIc black satIn and features satIn drawstrIng handles whIch gather up to close the bag. There Is also an optIonal gold-tone metal chaIn strap whIch I thInk detracts from the elegant sImplIcIty for of the LanvIn AumonIere satIn pochette. InsIde you'll fInd a small pouch pocket wIth just enough space for keepIng your keys and cel phone In place. The expandable sack-lIke shape of thIs bag,
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And let's take a look at her Charlotte OlympIa platform pumps.ot,
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