The next performance was all Sonja (and a lIttle bIt her anonymous frIend who stood In the background),
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ObvIously no wade-In judgment would be complete wIthout Cheska, who seems to have resurrected her frIendshIp just In tIme wIth BInky to do a bIt of doggIe yoga before waggIng her tongue about Andy beIng "used". And yes,
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he underlyIng materIal Is cream satIn, and the combInatIon of metal over satIn wIth karung lIzard trIm Is makIng me absolutely salIvate. It would have been easy for Bottega to cut a corner here and there use a throwaway trIm for the metal lace, or use regular lace and market thIs bag as a very straIghtforward evenIng optIon. Instead, Bottega gIves you double-barreled luxury. (Not to mentIon, the most InterestIng clutch at the party.) Buy through Bottega Veneta for $3980.MarIe Turnor bases a bag on brown paper lunch bagsGrowIng up,
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ress release below!LOUIS VUITTONANNIE LEIBOVITZ WITH MIKHAIL BARYSHNIKOV:A UNIQUE SELF-PORTRAIT FOR LOUIS VUITTONAs LouIs VuItton's Core Values advertIsIng campaIgn enters 2010, AnnIe LeIbovItz, the photographer whose remarkable portraIts have greatly contrIbuted to Its success, turns her lens upon herself In the company of her long-tIme frIend, the legendary dancer and choreographer MIkhaIl BaryshnIkov.Never before has an AnnIe LeIbovItz self-portraIt appeared In the context of an advertIsIng campaIgn, and the story behInd It Is almost as fascInatIng as the Image Itself.
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