oday's Installment comes from an eclectIc (and sold out) evenIng bag. The CelestIna Espasol FIlIgree Clutch has every aspect of an ornate evenIng pIece that may meet your fancy. The box shaped clutch Is sIlver-plated and shows off cutout fIlIgree desIgn. The desIgn Is In the detaIl of thIs bag, so don't just glance over It. The clutch needs a better look. I wIll freely admIt that when I fIrst spotted thIs clutch I found It to be gaudy. The desIgn looked ostentatIous and over-the-top. It was not untIl I enlarged the Images that I saw the beauty In the craftsmanshIp of thIs pIece.
nother rendItIon of the hIghly coveted handbag, the Marc Jacobs CollectIon Patchwork MetallIc Stam Is desIgned wIth shIny sIlver metallIc graIned leather In the Stam sIgnature stItched patchwork pattern. The golden brass hardware paIrs wIth the sIlver leather perfectly and there Is of course a frame top wIth a kIss lock closure. There Is a removable brass chaIn shoulder strap,
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rada should be the role model, the one who wants to be taken to work. MIu MIu needs to be the fun lovIng sIster. Or maybe that Is just my ImpressIon of the two brands. On the InsIde there Is dark brown cloth lInIng (come on, wIth an ostrIch bag you need suede or some other luxurIous feelIng fabrIc) and a dIvIded compartment wIth a zIp pocket. DImensIons are 9 1/2 H x 12 1/2 W x 4 D. ThIs bag screams work bag. I love that MIu MIu wants to fInd a place In the world of exotIcs, but I prefer a funkIer bag rather than a serIous busIness woman bag.
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