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Irst, VIckI had four suItcases all to herself for a 10 day trIp of faIrly benIgn sIghtseeIng and shoppIng. Then she brought her terrIble mother, who thought that everythIng In Italy was absolutely stupId and had no problem tellIng everyone about It. And they all complaIned about how small theIr hotel room was, meanIng that they apparently mIssed the memo on, I don't know, hIstory? Europe? Bueller? Of course they were also upset that not everyone In Italy spoke perfect EnglIsh and that beIng blond and AmerIcan dIdn't get them specIal treatment.
You'll probably also recognIze a few of the choIces from our coverage of the season's accessorIes, and a few more are off-runway pIeces that we're all seeIng for the fIrst tIme. Do you agree wIth Candy's choIces? I love the cherry red Marc Jacobs satchel and have sInce I fIrst saw It on the runway, and we all know how I feel about that green crocodIle Valextra clutch. The GIvenchy box evenIng bag, on the other hand? I'll pass. Let us know your pIcks, and If Vogue skIpped anythIng Important, In the comments.