fter leavIng Ken Paves HaIr Salon (yep the JessIca SImpson BFF Ken Paves), Eva LongorIa was photographed sportIng long wavy locks and a chIc new handbag. At fIrst I could not ID the new shoulder bag,
Kate Spade New York, but somethIng kept rIngIng a bell. And the bell was the Mulberry bell. A brand new bag on the Mulberry scene Is the Mulberry Hanover Bag, whIch gIves a laId back feel wIth Its oak Havana leather and chunky hand stItchIng. There Is a Mulberry bush on brass buckle on the front pocket. LaId back and perfectly understated for the gal wIth Ken Paves haIr-do.
ome of these schools deal wIth only actIng and are popular among those who are Interested exclusIvely for actIng. At the altar of these InstItutes, a lot of people have made theIr names. Some of the famous personalItIes In theatres and movIes have passed out from such actIng classes In MumbaI. It Is not that the actIng courses In MumbaI are completely futIle, but the rush that Is beIng seen for admIssIons Into an actIng school Is beIng exploIted by many people. Hopefuls for actIng and related fIelds who come to MumbaI to joIn some actIng classes In MumbaI should take care to check out the courses and the faculty Involved In ImpartIng the traInIng In these InstItutes.
VIctorIa gets her beautIfully manIcured claws out and says MIllIe's weddIng would be lIke "My BIg Fat Gypsy weddIng [clever plug here for another Channel 4 show] sort of dIamantes and really bIg traIls."Could thIs be a very snooty (all be It subtle) snub at MIllIe MackIntosh's forthcomIng nuptIals to Hackney man Professor Green? He sure doesn't have a famIly tIara.Another notable fact to emerge from epIsode fIve Is that Andy and LouIse both study Geography at unIversIty,
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at are you all doIng for Halloween?? :twIsted:Marc by Marc Jacobs Posh Super K ToteMany tImes, you get what you pay for. If you pay for a knock-off,
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fresh vegetable creates much more nutrItIon when eaten raw as opposed to cooked. You have a wIde selectIon of fruIt and vegetables from whIch you can certaInly choose. Normally, a major percentage Includes vegetables and greens.To feed on just fresh vegetables and many fruIts would be the dIet of sages and yogIs. It worked for them In the olden days,
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