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But for Williams, the secret is that there is no secret, and he's fine with that. Friday, he said his greatest strength as a coach is having the pulse of his players. Everything else in Williams' world is just noise in between the big March wins, a collection that is expanding at a rapid pace..
I was just coming in to recommend a Japanese soaking tub. I saw one in a museum that was basically a tall wooden box approx 3' tall and just wide enough to sit down on a tiny stool with your knees drawn up close to your chest, There was some kind of outlet on the side down near the bottom to drain it afterwards..
The TV show is the wage that is paid to the viewer, in exchange for their watching of the commercial, which generates value for the network and, by extension, the advertiser. Radio programming was first developed to encourage the sale of radio receivers; only later did the sale of time (the listeners' time) become customary. Similarly,, television was only turned toward the greatest efficiency for broadcasters when they developed new ways to maximize the use of their means of production.