An able woman seeking a post in the senior judiciary should no longer be at a disadvantage because she has paused her career to have a family. ? Oliver Wright in the Independent says the High Pay Commission report being published tomorrow will call for companies to be forced to publish details of the pay gap between their top executives and their average employees.The independent High Pay Commission, which is due to publish its report tomorrow, is expected to recommend a number of measures to increase transparency and reduce incentives for companies excessively to reward senior management. Sources close to the commission said these are likely to include proposals to simplify pay structures so total reward packages can't be disguised from shareholders, and also to put employees on company remuneration committees.
And with Harriet Tubman outwitting the slave master? I thought it was politically correct. Silly me. I can now understand why so many people are upset. I have taken down the video. Lastly,I would never condone violence against women in any form,and for all of those I offended,I am sincerely sorry."Oprah Winfrey's Fashion Evolution in ‘Lee Daniels' The Butler' Anne Marie Fox/The Weinstein Company See Oprah's Evolution Lee Daniels' The Butler tells the story of Eugene Allen,who worked as a butler in the White House for 34 years. Allen was on the front lines of some of the most important events in American history,from Jim Crow to the assassination of John F. Kennedy,
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I feel that if he understood us,he would realise that we're the face of the Israel that he's actually trying to save from its own stupidity. We're the Israel that will be lost,quite literally,if we don't embrace,more actively,the path of peace. And we're an Israel that is,despite our flaws,very much worth saving. We need a great leader to wake us from our slumber and remind us that a two-state solution is urgently in our own interest. First he needs to win us over,and then he needs to shake us up. Given the beautiful speech he delivered on the tarmac of Ben Gurion Airport,?perhaps that's his plan. I hope so.Radek Sikorski's Vision for the Future Polish Foreign Minister Radek Sikorski arrives on June 16,
ytcgzx,2008 for a General Affairs Council meeting at EU headquarters in Luxembourg.
5.31pm: Time now for a summary. I was rather underwhelmed by the speech after Ed Miliband finished. But having read it properly, and having had time to mull it over, my assessment of it has gone up. Here are some thoughts.? Ed Miliband is serious about tackling capitalist excess. There was a lot of fuzz in the speech - see below - but after this speech it will be very hard to argue that we don't know what Miliband stands for. We do. It's clobbering fat cats. No wonder the Labour left are feeling chipper.? Miliband is starting to define unacceptable capitalism. In June he gave a speech about responsibility, and he said that that he was happy for people who "deserve their top salaries" to become rich, but that Labour was wrong to be "intensely relaxed" about people at the top of society receiving excessive pay.
(Marco Longari / AFP / Getty Images)The U.N. refugee convention holds that even if an immigrant was not a refugee when he or she immigrated,he or she becomes such if being repatriated constitutes a threat to life and limb. As Haaretz notes,this understanding of international law has been upheld by Israel’s Supreme Court. Former Supreme Court President Aharon Barak wrote in one verdict that:This is the great principle of non-refoulement,under which a person cannot be deported to a place where his life or liberty would be in danger. This principle is enshrined in Article 33 of the refugee convention.… It applies in Israel to every governmental authority that deals with deporting someone from Israel.
Vince Cable told the Leveson Inquiry today that he was able to use "an independent mind" to judge News Corp's controversial bid for BSkyB.The business secretary was responsible for deciding whether Rupert Murdoch's proposed takeover of the broadcaster should go ahead before being stripped of his powers in December 2010 when he was recorded telling undercover journalists he would "declare war" on Murdoch while he was considering the £8 billion bid.Cable said today: "With an independent mind doesn't mean with a blank mind."Most people in public life have views, opinions."Probably, if they are politicians, those views and opinions have been on the record and the requirement on me and people in this position is to set those on one side for the sake of making this decision, to consider representations, the evidence, the facts - and decide on that and only on that.
I believe this now to be an accurate record of Mr Werritty's visits,
kate spade wallet sale, but I cannot exclude the possibility that there may have been a visit which for whatever reason was not recorded in the logs. I have spoken to the Principal Private Secretary and other members of the Private Office staff; they believe that Adam Werritty's visits to the Main Building were largely personal conversations with the Defence Secretary. They are confident that the Department did not provide Mr Werritty with classified papers or briefings. This is confirmed by Dr Fox, who pointed out that while on most occasions Mr Werritty came to his office, there were occasions when the two met in the Pillared Hall coffee bar in the MOD Main Building.
This is not a matter that can be dealt with by the resignation of a special adviser. ? Benedict Brogan on his Telegraph blog says Jeremy Hunt is in deep trouble.I don't quite see how he talks his way out of this one. He will be glad to know Mr Cameron and Nick Clegg stayed on the front bench for his statement, though they could hardly slope off as he got up to speak. He has to survive the Commons, and any further revelations. If he's that confident of his propriety, maybe he'd like to show us the rest of his text and email traffic with the PM, George Osborne, various folk in No10, and specifically his communications with Adam Smith. Mr Miliband was right when he reminded Mr Cameron – and Mr Hunt – that Lord Justice Leveson is not responsible for the integrity of the Government.
Or if that is impossible, undertaking heroic efforts to contain and limit the continent-wide fallout.? Tim Montgomerie at ConservativeHome says that if Britain allows the new eurozone group to use EU institutions, Cameron's use of the veto will have been meaningless.if Roland Watson's page one story in today's Times (£) is to be believed the Prime Minister is considering allowing the 17plus group to use EU institutions - partly to appease Nick Clegg. If this is true then the veto really will have been a meaningless stunt. I'm told that Downing Street cannot yet quash The Times' story because the veto has put the EU in uncharted legal waters.? Tom Watson on his blog says that, for the first time since the election, voters are now more likely to say the Tories are "old and tired" than Labour.