Exhibition stands are a great opportunity for businesses to connect with their existing and potential market. Road shows, exhibitions and fairs allow you to show people what your business does and find out more
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Stand out
When you are at fairs there are tens and sometimes even hundreds of stands to be competing with. Obviously you need to stand out in terms of the service you offer people, the way you approach them, your uniform or appearance, the information you give them
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Not just a stand
There are a variety of stands available depending on whether you have a stretched or a lavish budget. Even if you decide not to go all out, you can still make sure your stand is sturdy, looks professional and reflects your company, as well as being approachable at the exhibition or fair. A stand is not ?just' a stand. Here are just a few of the different
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Portable stands
As the name suggests, these are ideal for when you have more than one exhibition running
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Starter kits
If you are starting at the lower end of the budget scale then an exhibition starter kit may work for you. Modular exhibition systems incorporate an extensive and versatile range of profiles, beams and accessories, which enable you to create stylish, innovative and effective stands. They are ideal for exhibitions, office displays, conferences and marketing events, and as with most stands, can be used again and again.
They are available in standard kits, or you can also have one made up in a bespoke design to meet your needs, depending on your company image and the type of event you will be exhibiting at. They vary from small workstations, which allow for desk space for sit down consultations, to large double-decker stations.
The beauty of these kits is that each and every component can be separated from the next to give you that extra bit of flexibility for different
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Medium stands
These stands are a greater investment. They are designed using a distinctive round upright system, with flat perforated and unperforated uprights systems. These are the really stylish types of stands available with contemporary, curvaceous designs.
They allow for flat screens and computer plinths to be incorporated into the exhibition, as well as comfortable seating for when you want to discuss services with individuals away from the crowds. Other features that can be added as part of customising your stand include panel and pole displays, notice boards and point of sale displays.
You must look at your budget and see how you can make the most of it. This is where it is helpful to discuss your personal needs and the features you really want to incorporate into your stand. It may involve omitting one feature and replacing with
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