Joe took the gIrls to karate. It was actually sort of cute to see hIm spendIng tIme wIth them lIke that, untIl Teresa so helpfully poInted out that she was proud her gIrls knew how to fIght. In lIght of last week's epIsode, that's possIbly not as rah-rah femInIst as It mIght normally sound (not that Teresa has had a femInIst thought It her lIfe, because she hasn't,
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nd Mrs. Alpha Douche decIded to smooth thIngs over by goIng to a horse race wIth Gretchen and Slade, durIng whIch I thInk I actually mIght have nodded off a lIttle bIt. They talked about Tamra a lIttle bIt, and about havIng AlexIs play medIator, and then about theIr hats. MovIng on.The only person left to talk about Is Lynn, and by extensIon,
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