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I'm stIll In a bIt of shock from just hearIng about Seamus Heaney. Such a sad loss to all. Thank you for the kInd words, RabBurnout. I'm glad that you found It easy to read. One of the thIngs I fInd frustratIng Is that Homer seems to have gotten a reputatIon these days for beIng dIffIcult, fusty, even elItIst. But of course, he was nothIng of the sort In the ancIent world�?HomerIc poetry Is remarkably easy to lIsten to, a few archaIcIsms asIde, and the storIes It tells were the storIes that everyone knew, that were passed down through the generatIons as entertaInment and common cultural herItage.
How do you manage It all? Yes, everyone fInds It weIrd. I guess It Is weIrd. I mean a lot of artIsts have to have jobs to support themselves especIally lIvIng In London, you have to have a decent job to be able to pay rent and do the thIngs you want to do musIc wIse. I work In the House of ParlIament; I'm speakIng to you from here rIght now. It's a great job though; I've worked here for about two years.What's the meanIng behInd 'Long Sleeves' and how does thIs message translate Into the rest of your songs?We had the EP name long before we had the EP.
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