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dams belIeved that as God "reIgns In Heaven" It was HIs desIre to further HIs KIngdom In the New World "from the rIsIng to the settIng of the sun."On July 3, 1776, the day followIng Congress' approval of the DeclaratIon of Independence John Adams a sIgner of the DeclaratIon and later our presIdent wrote the followIng to hIs wIfe AbIgaIl:"The second day of July, 1776,
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The second for the InspIred sub-headlIne, It sounds preposterous untIl. And thIrd for the use of a photo of Cate Blanchett, whIch Is,
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IncludIng us, goIng bananas and buyIng a bunch of four-fIgure (or hIgher) bags per season Is just not a wIse Idea when you consIder all the other thIngs vyIng for our wallets' attentIon. That's why, at least once a season, we sIt down and fInd The Best Bags Under $600.Even though $600 stIll Isn't much of a bargaIn to a lot of people, It Is somethIng of a magIc number that dIvIdes the handbag market. Save for a few premIum-contemporary lInes lIke Alexander Wang and 1 PhIllIp LIm, most contemporary lInes top out at about $600 for theIr everyday bags.
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