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Afterwards_30 Louis Vuitton Outlet Online
« en: Mayo 22, 2013, 04:41:08 pm »
The trio chatted pleasantly as they crossed the sunny golf links, and Sir Richard told himself that his impressions of this man, gathered from hasty visions of him about the village, or from the chatter of the countryside,Louis Vuitton Outlet Online, impressions which had labelled him as a morose,http://www.coachoutletbag.info, sullen kind of fellow,Burberry Bags, had certainly been fallacious.
So pleased, indeed,Discount Gucci Handbags, was he with his new acquaintance that when they reached the Club House on the return journey he pressed the young man to accompany them home for a cup of tea.
"Don't you,Discount Burberry Bags?" Somehow Anstice felt extraordinarily interested in the views of this very youthful woman. "May I be allowed to know what has driven you to that conclusion?"
Reserved he might be; but although his manner was quiet and his smile a trifle sad, there was nothing morose about him to-day; and if his conversation was not particularly brilliant Sir Richard thought none the worse of him for that.
With a rather melancholy smile Anstice admitted that there was no one waiting for him at home; and since Iris seconded her father's invitation with a kind little entreaty on her own account, he accepted their joint hospitality without further demur.
she, on her side, thought her father the most wonderful of men.
"You mean the really clever women never let the men know they're doing it?" Her grey eyes laughed into his. "You are quite right, of course--but then I don't pretend to be clever. I don't think clever people--clever women, anyway--are ever happy."
Lady Wayne had been dead for many years; and although Anstice gathered, from casual conversation between father and daughter,Gucci Handbags, that a certain Aunt Laura made her home with them as a rule, it appeared that she was at present travelling in Switzerland, leaving Iris mistress of Greengates in her absence.
"I manage Daddy without him knowing it,Louis Vuitton Store," said Iris loftily; and Anstice could not refrain from an impulse to tease her a little.
Greengates, the home of the Waynes, was a stately old house, more dignified,Cheap Ralph Lauren, though perhaps less charming, than the fascinating Cherry Orchard; but its very dignity gave charm; and it formed a by no means incongruous background for this youngest and prettiest of its daughters. For all her youth and high spirits,Cheap Polo Shirts, Iris seemed to fit into the place as one born to it; and when she tossed aside her cap and sat down behind the massive silver tea-tray, her gold-brown curls shone against the oak panelling of the walls as the wild daffodils gleam golden against the massive brown trunks of the trees in whose shade they grow.
"I'm sure your patients must cease from troubling on a Sunday afternoon at any rate," he said genially, "and you haven't anyone waiting for you at home, have you?"
"Oh,Coach Outlet, it's not exactly my own." Iris' eyes were honest as well as gay. "It was something Mrs. Carstairs said to me one day. She is clever,Ralph Lauren Shirts, you know--but her life has been made very unhappy."
"I confess Iris and I rather enjoy a week or two to ourselves!" Sir Richard's eyes twinkled. "My sister is a thoroughly good sort, but she loves to manage people; and Iris and I are both of us constitutionally averse to being managed!"
"That is very clever of you, Miss Wayne," he said gravely, "and I'm sure your management must be most tactful. But--if you'll excuse me suggesting it--wouldn't it be cleverer still of you if you refrained from hinting as much to your father?"
Anstice, who had already wondered how much of Chloe Carstairs' history was known to the Waynes, glanced involuntarily at Sir Richard as Iris spoke the last words; and in the elder man's eyes he thought he saw
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