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Not since 2006 when Mike released Butterfly Marketing has there been such anticipation about a product launch. Mike's new Evergreen Business System is without a doubt going to change the way marketers do business on the internet.
When the internet and Internet Marketing first started there was very simple text/html pages, the audio came along and everyone went WOW! Marketers around the world changed how they did business. Audio was "hot", it increased subscriptions massively, it had a huge impact on sales conversions and helped marketers make more money. Those who didn't get on the band wagon watching their incomes decline or disappear completely.
Then along came video which did exactly the same all over again. Those who got in early profited and those who didn't missed out. Fortunes where made by those who got in early. Then there was extension of the use of video on websites as integration of platforms like YouTube where once savvy marketers prospered.
After audio and video came Facebook and Twitter which  michael kores outlets completely revolutionised the way marketing was done online. It was never easier to build a massive list of  miachael kors outlet subscribers or have your advertisements seen by millions so easily and cheaply.
Well everyone if you thought these were big advances that turned internet marketing on its ear you haven't seen anything yet. Unless you have been living under a rock for the past 6 months you will have seen the rise of the webinar by internet marketers.
For those of you that are not familiar with webinars here is a quick rundown. Webinars are similar to the teleseminars that were all the rage around 2003 - 2008. You send an email inviting your subscribers to a webinar. Then log onto a website at a certain time where the get to view a sales presentation or training program presented in live streaming video and audio. Visitors can see and hear whatever is going on which may be
- Face to face interview
- Solo presentation
- PowerPoint presentation
- Web presentation (watch someone do something live, like set up a web page in 5 minutes)
- live Q & A
The possibilities are endless.
Up until now, you had to be a very tech savvy, switched on programmer (or employ someone who was) and have very big pockets to;
- a, have the skills
- and b, have the money
That is all about to change. Mike Filsaime is back with what will be the biggest and most anticipated product launch for 2011 - Evergreen Business System.
Why is Evergreen Business System so anticipated? Let me explain.
With this program you not only get all the software, you also get step by step training to ensure you are successful.
Those who have tried their hand at video and audio creation will realise that the "devil is in the detail" You can get  michael kors outliet your project 90% finished in a couple of hours but spend the next 2 days trying to get it to do that one little thing.
Mike Filsaimes Evergreen Business System takes out all these little details and does it for you and with out of this world training. Coming from Mike you know the customer service is going to be outstanding.
If you want to get on the train and be at the front of the pack over the next couple of years with your internet marketing you really must have a closer look at this. There is an amazing free video where Mikes walks you through the entire system and he has arranged a very special gift of a free  michael kors outley report from Rich Schefren, his E.E.D.M. (Evergreen Event Drive Marketing). This alone is normally a $47 report with ongoing monthly subscriptions but you can get it  michael korhs  michael kors outline online for free by clicking on the link below.
I cannot recommend this product highly enough. It will change the world of Internet Marketing as we know it. Don't get left behind, check it out now.
Ian Knabel
To get immediate free access to the preview video and Rich Schefren's E.E.D.M. report click here now www.ianlikes.com/mikefilsaime
This will be an absolute game changer! You can either get on board and collect all the benefits that go with it or be left behind and left wondering what happened. If you don't want to be left behind, if you want to really accelerate your business this year, check this out now - www.ianlikes.com/mikefilsaime 
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