There are many reasons why people are motivated to become coaches. Whether they have a wake-up call, just find it interesting to do, or they want a career change, there are more and more people achieving
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There are coaches who are not looking to make a profit, they only want to help others. If you are one of them, that is great, but you must realize that you can do what you enjoy and also earn a good living. When you know how to perceive your own value, you will know that you must get paid for what you do. If you want to develop a successful coaching business, then you must learn to change your beliefs in coaching and know how to deal with the two major problems: finding new clients and generating significant revenue.
You may say you are a coach, not an entrepreneur. Of course, but you can learn to be one. Once you know that you want to transform your coaching into a coaching business, you will be ready to take a few steps in the right direction:
- Use what you already have. If you want to develop your coaching, start by making a list of your experiences. You have it all there, and believe me, it is easier to build on something solid, something you can manage, rather than venturing into something completely new. You
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- Create a business rather than a practice. The major difference between a coaching practice and a coaching business is the level of your potential revenue, your freedom to act as you want and the speed with which you get the results you want. Even if you develop a flourishing coaching practice (and that may take a few years!), there will come a point where you won't be able to increase your revenue anymore: time limitations, a large number of
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You should also consider developing your business through the virtual world of the internet. Yes, you can still coach a lot of people and make yourself visible far more easily and with a greater impact than by using the traditional method.
- Focus on specific and tangible results. This is the trick; to sell the result produced by your coaching. Coaching is only the means to reach the results. Concentrate all your efforts and resources on attracting only those clients who want to get the results you are offering and especially clients who are willing to pay for these specific results.
- Become an expert in one area. All the techniques you have heard about, or may have already tested, will not help you achieve what you want if you do not specialize in a specific area. Even if you sign up to all the networking communities in your domain, you will not be able to get the results you want. If you want to charge the fees you're aiming for and dreaming about (even if you don't admit it!) you must become an
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No one says this is going to be easy. But once you know what you want to do, once you know you want to be a coach who also makes a living out of coaching, then it is time to change the way you perceive yourself and your coaching. You too can learn how to
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If you are determined to change yourself from coach to entrepreneur and need help in developing your successful coaching business, then go to my website and find many more useful tips on how to do it.
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