That is our understanding,," the Commission official said, adding that Dublin notified Brussels of the problem Saturday."This is good practice in managing the crisis," he said.Dioxins are accidental by-products generated mainly through incineration by the chemical and pharmaceutical industries and can be absorbed through the skin or eaten in food.A broad family of chemicals formed by both man-made and natural events, they remain in the atmosphere for a long time and once absorbed by animals get trapped in their fatty tissues.Besides pig farms, the contaminated feed was also delivered to some cattle farms, though no dairy farms were affected.While using this contaminated feed in a cattle diet was much more limited than in a pig diet, affected cattle farms had also been blocked as a precautionary measure, the Commission said.The Commission, the EU's executive arm, regulates and administers the bloc's strict food safety rules on behalf of its 27 member countries, in coordination with national authorities.($1=.7880 Euro)(Reporting by Jeremy Smith, editing by Will Waterman).
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cheap nfl jerseys, but there was Billy McNeill and Roy Aitken. The subjects were given intraocular injections of ranibizumab at the start of the study and at 1, 2,, 4, and 6 months.At the 7-month checkup, researchers noted a significant drop in macular thickness and improvement in visual acuity in study subjects.The eye injections were well tolerated and were not associated with any side effects, the report indicates."We've suspected for a while that ranibizumab's ability to shut down VEGF's signaling would do the trick because it's highly likely that VEGF is the culprit when it comes to diabetic macular edema," Nguyen noted.A study investigating the long-term benefits of ranibizumab for diabetes patients with macular edema is currently in the planning stage.SOURCE: American Journal of Ophthalmology December 2006..