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Autor Tema: Arab League Decided To Impose Economic Sanctions On Syria_2  (Leído 111 veces)


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Arab League Decided To Impose Economic Sanctions On Syria_2
« en: Septiembre 23, 2013, 10:50:12 am »
 investment in the classification.Sanctions proposal also asked Arab countries to monitor the central bank and commercial bank credit transfer, but the Syrian workers in foreign remittances to their families, items not included.After 24 Arab League ministerial meeting,Finlandia electric sauna heater|Free Shipping, announced the signing deadline given to the Syrian government to allow classification of the Arab League to send mission to the agreement. Opening of the session until the 26th,http://electricsaunaheater.webmium.com/, Syria has not yet respond. Arab League position,http://electricsaunaheater.webmium.com/helo-sauna-heater, if Syria failed to sign the agreement within the prescribed time limit,http://electricsaunaheater.webmium.com/gas-sauna-heater, will face economic sanctions.According to foreign reports, the majority of Arab League member 27 through sanctions on Syria,http://electricsaunaheater.webmium.com/tylo-sauna-heater, Iraq abstained, voted against Lebanon.SANA reported that Syrian Foreign Minister Moallem 26, sent a letter to the Arab League, which tried to criticize Syria crisis "internationalization."24 Arab League urged the United Nations (microblogging) "under the Charter to take the necessary measures to support the Arab League's


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