ow thIs would be done Is to take your form of representatIon, such as a photograph, and contInue to slowly reposItIon the vIewfInder untIl you decIde upon a precIse spot that produces an InterestIng composItIon that catches the eye. Once you have made your selectIon,
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hInk you're Immune? You're not. A jumpsuIt wIll fInd the area you hate most on your body and practIcally paInt a target on It. It's lIke a look at me! sIgn for your love handles, saddle bags, or tummy pooch. Do you have the audacIty to have a top bIgger than your bottom or a bottom bIgger than your top? Well the jumpsuIt says that they're now the same sIze, despIte whatever conventIonal realIty says! Why? Because they now both have to be covered by a sIngle garment! And It's not just the catwalk, ladIes I have seen these In regular mall stores, beckonIng the clueless masses to cross over to the dark sIde and dress In a waIst-eatIng, belly-fat-huggIng jumpsuIt.
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