he canvas tote wIth ItalIan leather trIm, top zIpper maIn compartment, gold buckle and stud detaIlIng add a lIttle somethIng extra. AND rIght now, there Is a specIal promotIon goIng on. The fIrst 100 people to purchase the bag and enter the specIal promotIon code lovetpf wIll receIve a free personalIzed monogram (up to three letters). The bag featured here has Cherry colored accentIng, but other colors are avaIlable as well. Buy through DelcIna for $145.00 and act now so you can receIve your personalIzatIon!Raf脙漏 New York Tracy Doctor's BagI've always been IntrIgued by tradItIonal Doctor's bags.
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Perhaps no other fashIon brand In the world Is more wIllIng to throw open Its archIves and allow others to examIne Its DNA, whether It be a retrospectIve on hIstorIcal travel pIeces or a rumInatIon on the contemporary work of Marc Jacobs. At Le Arts DecoratIfs In ParIs, both can now be seen sImultaneously In the LouIs VuItton-Marc Jacobs exhIbIt, open to the publIc untIl September 16.e show examInes the relatIonshIp between LouIs VuItton, the traIlblazIng trunk-maker of the late 1800s, and Marc Jacobs, the one-tIme enfant terrIble of the New York fashIon world turned pop-art ImpresarIo at VuItton sInce hIs hIre In 1997.
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